Nursery - Home Learning 

Nursery Home learning extra ideas

We would like to recommend the following daily timetable and websites to support your child’s learning if you can’t get onto google classroom or you would like some extra activities to do.

Parent overviews, which show curriculum coverage, can be found by clicking the Curriculum link , on the right hand side of this page.

Recommended Daily Timetable





Sit at the table and eat breakfast together. Talk about what your morning will look like



Get dressed

Practise putting clothes on including socks!



Activity time

Practise some counting while you play together. For example, how many cars are on the road? How many superheroes do we have? Can you put three pigs in the box?




Free Play

Allow your child to play freely with toys or activity they want to do. Play alongside them asking them questions and using simple question words who,what, where, how many, how do you know?


Snack time-

Help your grown up prepare a healthy snack. Support your child to chop bananas, count the grapes and peel the carrots.




Free play

Allow your child to play freely with toys or activity they want to do. Play alongside them asking them questions and using simple question words who,what, where, how many, how do you know?




Tidy up

Teach your child to tidy their toys away. This will help them learn to look after them.


Story / rhyme time

Read a favourite story together. Talk about the pictures, point to the words to help your child understand words are for reading. Spot the page numbers.  Use simple question words who,what, where, how many? When talking about the book or pictures.

Sing some nursery rhymes together, make up actions or use You Tube to help.

12:00     -1:00


Help your grown up prepare your lunch. Sit at the table together

and talk about what you would like to do this afternoon.



Activity time

Play a board game together, take turns and count the dots on the dice. OR

have a crafty afternoon, paint some pictures, play with playdough or try one of our messy play activities.


Free Play

Allow your child to play freely with toys or activity they want to do. Play  alongside them asking them questions and using simple question words  who,what, where, how many, how do you know?


Snack time

Help your grown up prepare a healthy snack. Support your child to chop bananas, count the grapes and peel the carrots.


Activity time

Help your child to practise their listening skills. Play games like Simon says, Follow instructions.

You tube have some fun Phase 1 games to help your child to practise their listening skills.



Free Play

Allow your child to play freely with toys or activity they want to do


Story / rhyme time

Read a favourite story together. Talk about the pictures, point to the words to help your child understand words are for reading. Spot the page numbers.  Use simple question words who,what, where, how many? When talking about the book or pictures.

Sing some nursery rhymes together, make up actions or use You Tube to help.

 Additional recommended websites

Useful Websites

 Web link


Useful Websites


 Additional activities

Recommended for….



Dressing up

Small world play- farm, superheroes, princess and castles


Puppet shows

Showtime- children create their own shows.




Set up a shop, this could be a toy shop, supermarket etc

Match up all the unpaired socks or sort into colours

Can you find 5 squares, circle, triangles or rectangles around the house?

Board games- matching pairs, bingo, snakes and ladders


Find something taller or shorter than you!

Communication, Literacy and Reading


Make up a story together

Read some of your favourite books

Have a karaoke and sing your favourite rhymes and songs

Talk together about their interests and what they would like to play.

Physical activities


How many star jumps, jumps, hops, Can you do in one minute?

Lego or duplo

Building blocks- How tall can you build your tower?

Play hide and seek

Lay the table for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Play in the garden

Go on a bug hunt

Go to the park

Go for a walk, what colours can you see? Look for signs of Spring.

Explore outside, get your wellies on and jump in the mud!

Use Cosmic yoga on You Tube

Learning station on You Tube.

Messy play



Make some cloud dough / play dough together at home to build finger strength.

Painting / colouring / drawing

Building and construction


Make a den to hide under

Junk modelling



Water Play


Filling and pouring different containers.

Floating and sinking- Which toys / objects float and sink

Potions and spells



Make some biscuits and cakes together.

Get children to help peel and chop fruits and vegetables for snack times and dinner.

Children to pour their own drinks from containers or jugs.

Make some fruit kebabs